
Showing posts from April, 2024

the WHAT and the WHY.

This summer I turn the big four-o…that’s right folks, FORTY !   I think anytime you approach a big milestone birthday, it is totally natural to do a little self-evaluation.  About six months ago, I started thinking, “what exactly have I not accomplished or tried or done or seen yet in this crazy, wonderful life that I thought I already would have at 40?”  It’s a big question.  For me, there was one very clear answer – the Appalachian Trail.    At some point during college, I got really obsessed with reading travel narratives and one of my most favorite writers in this genre was Bill Bryson.    A  copy of A Walk In The Woods made its way into my hands and after reading it I thought, “I have to hike this trail”.   Many, MANY years passed since I first read that book and later watched the movie, but I still thought about that trail from time to time.   I got a job, fell in love, got married, bought a house, had kids, built this beautiful life, but I still thought from time to time about